| |
a | to, at |
A.B. | Artium Baccalaureus Bachelor of Arts (B.A. / BA / A.B.) |
a.c. | ante Christum - before Christ |
a.i. | ad interim - in the meanwhile |
a.m. | ante meridiem - before noon, in the morning A.M. - Ave Maria - Hail Mary |
A.M.D.G. | ad majorem Dei gloriam - for the greater glory of God |
a.r. | anno regni - in the year of the reign |
a.r.r. | anno regni regis /reginae - in the year of the reign of the king /queen |
a.u. | anno urbis - "The year of the the city" |
a.u.c. | ab urbe condita / anno urbis conditae - from the founding of the city (of Rome) |
ab | from |
ad inf. | ad infinitum - to infinity |
ad infin. | ad infinitum - to infinity |
ad int. | ad interim - in the meantime, meanwhile |
ad lib. | at pleasure |
ad libit. | at pleasure |
ad libitum | at pleasure |
ad loc. | at the place |
ad val. | to the (correct) value |
AE | aetatis - aged, of age |
aet. | aetatis - aged, of age |
ag. | argetnum - silver |
an. | anno - in the year |
aq. | aqua - water, in water |
as. | arsenicum - arsenic |
au. | aurum - gold |
aur. | aurum - gold |
B.A. | Baccalaureus Artium - Bachelor of Arts |
B.C.L. | Baccalaureus Civilis Legis - Bachelor of Civil Law |
B.D. | Baccalaureus Divinitatis - Bachelor of Divinity |
B.L. | Baccalaureus Legum - Bachelor of Law |
B.Lit. | Baccalaureus Litterarum - Bachelor of Literature (or Letters) |
B.LL. | Baccalaureus Legum - Bachelor of Laws |
B.M. | Baccalaureus Medicinae - Bachelor of Medicine |
B.Mus. | Baccalaureus Musicae - Bachelor of Music |
B.Phil. | Baccalaureus Philosophiae - Bachelor of Philosophy |
B.S. | Baccalaureus Scientiae - Bachelor of Science |
B.Sc. | Baccalaureus Scientiae - Bachelor of Science |
B.V. | Beata Virgo - Blessed Virgin |
B.V.M. | beata Maria virgo - Blessed Virgim Mary |
C | centum - one hundred (Roman numeration) |
c. | circa - around (about, approximately) caput - Chapter centum - one hundred |
C.R. | Custos Rotulorum - Keeper of the Rolls |
C.V. | curriculum vitae - course of life |
ca. | circa - around (about, approximately) |
Cantab. | Cantabriegensis - of Cambridge |
Cantuar. | Cantuariensis - of Canterbury |
Cap. | caput - Chapter |
cca. | circa - around (about, approximately) |
cent. | centum - one hundred |
cf. | confer - refer to, compare, consult |
Ch.B. | Chirurgiae Baccalaureus - Bachelor of Surgery |
Ch.D. | Chirurgiae Doctor - Doctor of Surgery |
Ch.M. | Chirurgiae Magister - Master of Surgery |
Coad. | coadjutor |
coch. | cochleare - a spoonful (in medicine) |
cochl. | cochleare - a spoonful (in medicine) |
con. | contra - against |
conf. | confer - refer to, compare, consult |
corol. | corollary |
Coss. | consules - consuls |
ct. | centum - a hundred |
Cu. | cuprum - copper |
cum d. | cum dividendo - with a dividend |
CV | curriculum vitae - course of life |
cwt. | centum weight - Hundredweight |
D | five hundred (Roman numeration) |
d. | denarius, denarii - a penny, pence |
D.C.L. | Doctor Civilis Legis - Doctor of Civil Law |
D.D. | Doctor Divinitatis - Doctor of Divinity |
D.D.D. | dono dedit et dedicavit - he/she gave and consecrated as a gift |
D.G. | Dei gratia - by the grace of God |
D.Lit. | Doctor Litterarum - Teacher of Literature |
D.LL. | Doctor Legum - Doctor of Laws |
D.M. | Doctor Medicinae - Doctor of Medicine |
D.Mus. | Doctor Musicae - Doctor of Music |
D.O.M | Deo Optimo Maximo - to God, the best, the greatest |
d.s.p. | decessit sine prole - he/she died without issue |
D.Sc. | Doctor Scientiae - Doctor of Science |
D.T. | Doctor Theologiae - Doctor of Divinity |
D.V. | Deo volente - God willing |
d.v.p. | decessit vita patris - he/she died during the lifetime of the father |
DEI GRA | Dei gratia - by the grace of God |
del. | delineavit - he/she drew it |
DG | Dei gratia - by the grace of God (A part of the monarch's title, it is found on all British coins) |
dwt. | denarius weight - Pennyweight |
e.g. | exempli gratia - for example, for instance |
ead. | eadem = id. - below |
Eblan. | Eblanensis - of Dublin |
Ebor. | Eboracensis - of York |
et al. | et alibi - and elsewhere et alii - and others (men), et aliae - (women), et alia - (things) |
et seq. | et sequens - - and the following (use et seqq or et sequa. if "the following" is plural) (et seqq / et sequa. - et sequentes / et sequentia ) |
etc. | et caeteri - and others, and so forth et caeterae - (female items) et caetera - (neuter items) |
ex g. | exempli gratia - by way of example, for instance |
F.D. | Fidei Defensor, Fidei Defensatrix - Defender of the Faith (a part of the monarch's title, it is found on all British coins) |
fe. | ferrum - iron |
fec. | fecit - he/she made/did it |
ff. | foliis - on the following pages |
FID DEF | Fidei Defensor, Fidei Defensatrix - Defender of the Faith |
Fid.Def. | Fidei Defensor, Fidei Defensatrix - Defender of the Faith |
fl. | floruit - he/she/it flourished (means the period of time during which a person, school, movement or even species was active or flourishing) |
flor. | floruit - he/she/it flourished |
gtt. | guttae - drops (in medicine) |
h.e. | hic est, hoc est - this/that is |
H.J. | hic jacet sepultus /sepulta - here lies buried |
H.J.S. | hic iacet sepultus /sepulta - here lies buried |
H.M.P. | hoc monumentum posuit - he/she erected this monument |
H.R.I.P. | hic requiescit in pace - here rests in peace |
H.S. | hic situs - here lies |
h.t. | hoc tempore - at/in this time |
hab. corp. | habeas corpus - you may have the body |
Hg. | hyrdargyrum - mercury |
I | one (Roman numeration) |
i.a. | inter alia - among other things |
I.D.N. | in Dei nomine - in the name of God |
i.e. | id est - that is |
I.H.S. | in hac (cruce) salus - in the Cross, salvation |
I.N.R.I. | Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judeorum - Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews |
I.P.D. | in presentia Dominorum - in the presence of the (Scottish) Lords |
i.q. | idem quod - the same as |
ib. | ibidem - in the same place |
ibid. | ibidem - in the same place |
Imp. | imperator - Emperor |
in f. | in fine - at the end |
in lim. | in limine - at the beginning, at the outset |
in litt. | in litteris - in a letter (or other documented correspondence) |
in loc. | in loco - in its place |
in trans. | in transitu - in transit, on the way |
inst. | instante mense - this month |
J.C.D. | Juris Civilis Doctor - Doctor of Civil Law |
J.D. | Jurum Doctor - Doctor of Laws |
J.H.S. | Jesus hominum salvator - Jesus, the saviour of men |
J.R. | Jacobus Rex - King James |
J.U.D. | Juris Utriusque Doctor - Doctor of Civil and Canon Law |
J.V.D. | Juris Vtriusque Doctor - Doctor of Civil and Canon Law |
K. | kalium - potassium |
L | fifty (Roman numeration) |
l. | lib. libra, librae - a pound, pounds |
L. | latina, latine - Latin, in Latin |
l.c. | loco citato - in the place quoted |
L.S. | locus sigilli - place of the seal (on a document) |
l.s.d. | librae, solidi, denarii - pounds, shillings and pence |
lb. | librae - pounds |
Lib. | liber - book |
lit. | litteris - in words, in writing |
Lit.D. | Literarum Doctor - Doctor of Literature |
Litt.D. | Literarum Doctor - Doctor of Literature |
LL.B | Legum Baccalaureus - Bachelor of Laws |
LL.D | Legum Doctor - Doctor of Laws |
LL.M | Legum Magister - Master of Laws |
loq. | loquitur - he speaks |
M | lit. mille - one thousand (Roman numeration), |
M.A. | Magister Artium - Master of Arts |
M.B. | Medicinae Baccalaureus - Bachelor of Medicine |
M.Ch. | Chirurgiae Magister - Master of Surgery |
M.D. | Doctor Medicinae - Doctor of Medicine |
M.O. | modus operandi - method of operating |
Mus.B. | Musicae Baccalaureus - Bachelor of Music |
Mus.D. | Musicae Doctor - Doctor of Music |
Mus.M. | Musicae Magister - Master of Music |
N.B. | nota bene - please note, note well, take notice notate bene - (plural.) |
n.l. | non liquet - it is not clear |
N.P. | nisi prisus - no protest |
n.r. | non repetatur - do not repeat |
N.S.J.C. | Noster Salvator Jesus Christus - Our saviour Jesus Christ |
Na. | natrium - sodium |
nem. con. | nemine contradicente - with no one speaking against (This does NOT mean "unanimously", but simply that nobody voted against) |
nem. dis. | nemine dissentiente - no one dissenting, unanimously |
No. | numero - by number |
non obst. | non obstante - notwithstanding |
non pros. | non prosequitur - he/she does not prosecute |
non seq. | non sequitur - it does not follow |
O.D. | oculus dexter - the right eye (Used in vision correction prescriptions) |
O.S. | oculus sinister - the left eye (Used in vision correction prescriptions) |
ob. | obiit - he died |
op. cit. | opere citato - in the work cited |
Op. | opus - a work, a musical composition |
Oxon. | Oxonia, Oxoniensis - Oxford, of Oxford |
P.B. | Philosophiae Baccalaureus - Bachelor of Philosophy |
p.d. | per diem - by the day P.D. - Philosophiae Doctor - Doctor of Philosophy |
P.M. | post meridiem - afternoon, after midday |
p.m.a. | post mortem auctoris - after the author's death |
p.p. | per procurationem - through the agency of P.P. - pater patriae - father of his country |
P.R. | Populus Romanus - the Roman people |
P.R.C. | post Romam conditam - after the founding of Rome |
p.r.n. | pro re nata - as the need arises |
P.S. | post scriptum - a postscript, an item written after the signature on a letter |
Pb. | plumbum - lead |
per an. | per annum - by year, yearly |
per cent. | per centum - percentage, by the hundred |
per ct. | per centum - percentage, by the hundred |
per pro. | per procurationem - through the agency of |
Ph.B. | Philosophiae Baccalaureus - Bachelor of Philosophy |
Ph.D. | Philosophiae Doctor - Doctor of Philosophy |
pinx. | pinxit - he/she painted it |
pp. | paginae - pages prox. - proximus, proximo - next, in the next |
pro tem. | pro tempore - for the time being |
prox. | proximo mense - next month |
pulv. | pulvis - powder |
pxt. | pinxit - he/she painted it |
Q. | quasi - as it were, almost |
q.d. | quaque die - every day quasi dicat - as if he/she should say |
q.e. | quod est - which/what is |
Q.E.C. | quod erat construendum - which was to be constructed (after constructing something, normally to show its existence) |
Q.E.D. | quod erat demonstrandum - what was to be proven /demonstrated |
Q.E.F. | quod erat faciendum - what was needed to be done |
Q.E.I. | quod erat inveniendum - what was required to be found out |
q.l. | quantum libet - as much as you like |
q.p. | quantum placet - as much as you please |
q.pl. | quantum placet - as much as you please |
q.s. | quantum sufficit - a sufficient quantity |
q.v. | quod videre - "which to see" used as an imperative, plural is (quae videre - qq.v. ) |
qq.v. | quae videre - "which to see" |
R. | regina, rex - Queen, King r. - rexit - ruled r. - recipe - take |
R.I.P. | requiescat /requiescant in pace - may he/she/they rest in peace |
rad. | radix - root |
Re | in re - in the matter of, concerning |
REG | regina - queen |
Rx. | recipe - take |
s. | socius - fellow |
S.A. | secundum artem - according to art |
S.C. | Senatus Consultum - a decree of the Senate |
S.C.U. | Senatus Consultum Ultimum - final decree of the Senate (martial law) |
s.d. | sine die - without (appointing) a day |
s.h.v. | sub hac voce - under this heading /word |
s.i.d. | semel in die - once a day |
s.l.p. | sine legitima prole - without legitimate issue |
S.M.M. | Sancta Mater Mariae - Holy mother Mary |
s.m.p. | sine mascula prole - without male issue |
s.o.s. | si opus sit - if there is need, if occasion require, if necessary |
s.p. | sine prole - without issue |
S.P.Q.R | Senatus Populusque Romanus - the Senate and People of Rome |
s.p.s. | sine prole superstite - without surviving issue |
S.R.I. | Sanctum Romanum Imperium - Holy Roman Empire |
S.T.D. | Sacrae Theologiae Doctor - Doctor of Divinity / Theology |
s.v. | sub verbo - "under the word or heading", as in a dictionary S.V. - Sancta virgo - Holy Virgin |
Sb. | stibium - antimony |
sc. | scilicet - "one may know" = videlicet - viz. sculpsit - he/she engraved it |
Sc.B | Scientiae Baccalaureus - Bachelor of Science |
Sc.D. | Scientiae Doctor - Doctor of Science |
scan.mag | scandalum magnatum - defamatory expressions against a person of position |
scil. | scilicet - namely, to wit, being understood |
sculp. | sculpsit - he/she engraved it |
sculpt. | sculpsit - he/she engraved it |
seq. | sequentes, sequentia - the following, the next |
seqq. | sequentia - following |
sine die | without a day - no date set |
Sn. | stannum - tin |
st. | stet - let is stand as is |
stat. | statim - immediately |
tal. | talis - of such |
temp. | tempore - in the time of |
text. rec. | textus receptus - received text |
Th.D. | Theologiae Doctor - Teacher of Theology |
U.C. | Urbis Conditae - from / of the founding of the City (of Rome) |
U.D. | ut dictum - as directed |
u.s. | ut supra - as above |
ult. | ultimo mense - last month |
V | five (Roman numeration) |
v. | versus - against |
V.C. | vi coactus - "on constrains" used when forced to sign "or else..." |
v.i. | vide infra - see below |
V.R. | Victoria Regina - Queen Victoria |
V.R.I. | Victoria Regina Imperatrix - Victoria Queen Empress |
v.s. | vide supra - see above |
var. lect. | varia lectio - a different reading |
v.l. | varia lectio - a different reading |
viz. | videlicet - namely, to wit, being understood = sc. - scilicet |
vox pop. | vox populi - voice of the people |
vs. | versus - against |
vv.ll. | variae lectiones - various readings |
X | ten (Roman numeration)