| |
A.C. | ante cibum, before food. |
A.H. | alternis horis, every other hour. |
A.J. | ante jentaculum, before breakfast. |
A.M. | ante meridiem, before noon. |
A.P. | ante prandium, before dinner. |
Aa. | ana, of each. |
Abd. | abdomen, the belly. |
Abs. febr. | absente febri, fever being absent. |
Ad alv. excitand. | ad alvum excitandam, to stimulate the bowels. |
Ad defec, anim. | ad defectionem animi, to fainting. |
Ad deliq. anim. | ad deliquium animi, to fainting. |
Ad 2 vic. | ad duas vices, for two times (twice) |
Ad 3 vic. | ad tres vices, for three times (thrice). |
Ad gr. acid. | ad gratam aciditatem, to an agreeable acidity. |
Ad lib. | ad libitum, at pleasure. |
Ad neutral. | ad neutralisandum, to neutralisation. |
Ad nuc. mosch. m. | ad nucis moschata' magnitudinem, a piece the size of a nutmeg. |
Ad recid. praec. | ad recidivum praecavendum, to prevent a relapse. |
Ad sat. | ad saturandum, to saturation. |
addendus | (-a -um), to be added. |
addendo | by adding (gerund with Accusative). |
admove | apply thou. |
admoveatur | let it be applied. |
admoveantur | let them be applied. |
Ads. febr. | adstante febri, while fever is present. |
Adv. | adversus/ adversum, against. |
AEg. | aeger, aegra, the patient. |
Aggr. febr. | aggrediente febri, while fever is coming on. |
Alt. | altera (pars), the remainder. alternus(-a -um), alternate. |
Altern. d. | alterno die, 1 every other day. |
Altern. hor. | alterna hora/ alternis horis, l every other hour. |
Altern. qq. hor. | alterna quaqua hora. |
Alv. adstrict. | alvo adstricta, the bowels being confined. |
Alv. laxat. | alvo laxata, the bowels being relaxed. |
Amp. | amplus(-a -um), full, large ampulla, ampoule, flask / bottle. |
Aper. | aperiens, an aperient. |
Applic. | applicandus(-a -um), to be applied. |
Applectr. | applicetur, applicentur, let it, let them, be applied. |
Aq. | aqua, water. |
Aq. ad- | Aquam ad - (governed by Recipe). |
Aq. bull. | aqua bulliens (entis), boiling water. |
Aq. calid. | aqua calida, hot water. |
Aq. comm. | aqua communis, common / plainwater. |
Aq. dest. | aqua destillata, distilled water. |
Aq. ferv. | aqua fervens (entis), warm / hot water. |
Aq. flue. | aqua fluvialis, river water. |
Aq. font. | aqua fontana / aqua fontis, spring water. |
Aq. gel. | aqua gelida, cold water. |
Aq, mar. | aqua marina, sea-water. |
Aq. pluv. | aqua pluvialis, rain water. |
Aq. pur. | aqua pura, pure water (filtered - not distilled). |
Aquae ad | quantum sufficiat, water, a sufficiency. |
Arg. | Argentum, silver. |
Aur. | Aurum, gold. |
Auris | the ear. |
Ad. aur. | ad aurem. to the ear. |
P. aur. | pone aurem, behind the ear. |
B. | bis, twice. |
B.M. | balneum Mariae, water-bath, b. maris, sea-water bath. |
B.P. | British Pharmacopoeia. |
B.Ph. | British Pharmacopoeia. |
B.P.C. | British Pharmaceutical Codex. |
B.T. | balneum tepidum, a tepid bath. |
B.V. | balneum vaporis, a vapour bath. |
Bats. | balsamum, balsam. |
BB. | Barbadensis, Barbados. |
BBDS. | Barbadensis, Barbados. |
Bib. | bibe, drink. |
Bid. | biduum, two days. |
Brach. | brachium, the arm. |
Brev. | brevis, short. |
Bull. | bulliens, boiling. |
But. | butyrum, butter. |
C. | congius, a gallon. centum, 100. cum, with. |
C. aq. | cyathus aqua, a glass of water. |
C.c. | cubic centimetre, millilitre. |
Cgr. | Centigramma, a centigramme. |
Cgrm. | Centigramma, a centigramme. |
C. l. q. s. | cuilibet quantum sufficat, as You please, a sufficient quantity. |
C.M. | cras mane, to-morrow morning. |
C.M.S. | cras mane sumendus(-a -um), to be taken to-morrow morning. |
C.N. | cras nocte, to-morrow night. |
C.V. | cras vespere, to-morrow evening. |
C. vin. | cyathus vinosus / vinarius, a wine-glass. |
Calid. | calidus(-a -um), warm. |
Cap. | capiat, let him take. capsula, a capsule. |
Capr. | capiatur, let it be taken. |
Capiantur | let them be taken. |
Cib. | cibus, food. |
Circ. | circa, around. circiter, about. |
Cml. | centimil. |
Co. | compositus(-a -um), compound. |
Comp. | compositus(-a -um), compound. |
Coch. | cochleare, spoonful (from cochlea - a snail's shell). |
Coch. amp. | cochleare amplum, a tablespoonful. |
Coch. mag. | cochleare magnum, a tablespoon |
Coch. med. | cochleare medium, a dessertspoonful. |
Coch. mod. | cochleare modicum, a dessertsponful |
Coch. min. | cochleare minimum, a teaspoonful. |
Coch. parv. | cochleare parvum, a teaspoonful |
Cochleat. | cochleatim, by spoonfuls. |
Col. | cola, strain thou. colatura, the strained portion. colocynthis, colocynth. |
Colatus | a, um, strained. |
Colaturas | a, um, about to strain. sufficient to strain. |
Coletur | let it be strained. |
Colentur | let them he strained. |
Collut. | collutorium, a mouth-wash. |
Collyr. | collyrium, an eye-lotion. |
Cone. | concisus, sliced. concentratus, concentrated. |
Conf. | confectio, a confection. |
Cong. | congius, a gallon. |
Conserv. | conserva, a conserve. Conserva, keep thou. |
Cont. | contusus(-a -um), bruised. |
Contrit. | contritus, pounded. |
Cont. rem. vel, med. | continuentur remedia, vel medicamenta, !et the remedies be continued. |
Coq. | coque, boil thou. |
Coq. ad. med. consumpt. | coque ad medietatis consumptionem, boil down to half. |
Coq. in S.A. | coque in sufficiente aquae, boil in a sufficient quantity of water. |
Coq. s. a. | coque secundum artem, boil according to art. |
Cort. | cortex(-icis), bark. |
CM. | cras mane, to morrow morning. |
Crast. | crastinus, for to-morrow. |
Cryst. | crystallus, a crystal. |
Cuj. | cujus, of which. |
Cujusl. | cujuslibet, of any. |
Cyath. | cyathus, glass. |
Cyath. vinos. | cyathus vinosus, wine-glass. |
D. | dosis, dose, die, dies, a day. |
D .d. | de die, daily. |
D. in dup. | detur in duplo, let twice as much be given. |
D. in p. x. | divide in partes aequales, divide into equal parts. |
D.P. | directione propria, with a proper direction. |
D.P.C. | dosi pedetentim crescente, the dose gradually increasing. |
D. S. | da, signa, give and sign. |
Detur, signetur | let it be given and signed. |
D. secund., tert., etc. | diebus secundis, tertiis, etc., every second, third day, etc. |
D. seq. | die sequente, on the following day. |
D. spiss. | debita spissitudine, with a proper consistence. |
D. t. d. | dentur tales doses, let such doses be given. |
D. d. in d. | dc die in diem, L daily / from day to day. |
De d. | de die. |
Deaur. pil | deaurentur pilulae, let the pills be gilt. |
Dec. | decoctum, a decoction. |
Decub. | decubitus, lying down. |
Deglut. | deglutiatur, let it be swallowed. |
Dej, alv. | dejectiones alvi, motions. |
Dent. ad scat. | dentur ad scatulam, let them be put in a box. |
Dest. | destillatus(-a -um), distilled. |
Det. | detur, let it be given. |
Dext. lat. | dextro lateri, to the right side. |
Dicb, altern. | dicbus alternis, every other day. |
Dil. | dilutus(-a -um), diluted. |
Diluc. | diluculo, at break of day. |
Dim. | dimidium, the half, dimidius(-a -um), half. |
Div. | divide, divide. |
Dml. | decimil. |
Donec alv. bene respond. | donec alvus bene responderit, until the bowels have been well opened. |
Donec alv. bis dej. | donec alvus bis dejecerit, until the bowels have acted twice. |
Doncc alv. solut, fuer. | donec alvus soluta fuerit, until the bowels have acted. |
Donec dol. exulav. | donec dolor exulaverit, until the pain is relieved. |
Dos. | dosis, a dose, |
Dr. | drachma, a drachm. |
Dulc. | dulcis, c, sweet. |
Dup. | duplex, double. |
Dur. | durus(-a -um), hard. |
E.g. | exempli gratia, for instance. |
E gel vit. | e gelatina vituli, in calf's foot jelly. |
E paul. aq. | e paulo aquae, in a little water. |
E quol. vehic, idon. | e quolibet vehiculo idoneo, in any suitable vehicle. |
Ead. | eadem, the same. |
Ed. | edulcoratus(-a -um), purified. |
Ejusd. | ejusdem, of the same. |
Elect. | electuarium, an electuary. electus(-a -um), picked, select, choice. |
Emet. | emeticum, an emetic. |
Emp. | emplastrum, a plaster. |
Emp. lytt. | emplastrum lyttx, a blister. |
Enem. | enema, n., an enema. |
Esur. | esuriens, fasting. before food. |
Evac. | evacuatio, a motion. |
Ex aq. | ex aqua, in water. |
Ex paul. | ex paulo, in a little. |
E paulo | in a little. |
Exhib. | exhibeatur, let it be exhibited. |
Exprim. | exprime, express. |
Ext. | extractum, an extract. |
Ext. sup. alut. moll. | extende super alutam mollem, spread it on soft leather. |
Extemp. | ex tempore, extemporary, on the spur of the moment. |
Estempl. | extemplo, immediately. |
Extend. | extende, spread. |
F. | fiat, fiant, let it (them) be made. |
Ft. | fiat, fiant, let it (them) be made. |
F. L. A. | fiat lege artis, let it be made according to rule. |
F. M | fiat mistura, let a mixture be made. |
ft. mist. | fiat mistura, let a mixture be made. |
F. S. A. | fiat secundum artem, let it be made according to art. |
Feb. dur. | febri durunte, during the fever. |
Fem. intern. | femoribus internis, to the inner part of the thighs. |
Filtr. | filtrum, a filter. |
Fl. | fluidus, liquid. |
Flav. | flavus(-a -um), yellow. |
Fol. | Folium, a leaf. |
Fort. | fortis, e, strong. |
Frigid. | frigidus(-a -um), cold. |
Frust. | frustum, a little bit, frustillatim, little by little. |
Ft. haust. | fiat haustus, let a drought be made. |
Ft. pil. | fiat pilula / fiant pilulae, let a pil / pills, be made. |
Gall. | Gallicus, French. |
Garg. | gargarisma, a gargle. |
Gel. quav. | gelatina quavis, in any kind of jelly. |
Gr. | granum, a grain. |
Grad. | gradatim, by degrees. |
Grm. Gm. | gratnma, a grant. Fr. gramme. |
Grms. | grammata, grams. |
Gtt. | guttae, drops. |
guttat. | guttatim, by drops. |
Guttur. appl. | gutturi applicandus(-a -um), to be applied to the throat. |
H. | hora, at the hour of. |
H. d. | hora decubitus, at bedtime. |
H. s. | hora somni, at bedtime. |
H. f. | hujus formae, of this shape (emplast). |
Hab. | habeat, let him have (or take). |
Habr. | habeantur, let them be taken. |
Har. pil. iij. s. | harum pilulae tres sumantur, let three of these pills be taken. |
Hebdom. | hebdomada, for a week. |
Hor, interm. | horis intermediis, in the intermediate hours. |
Hor. un. spat. | horae unius spatio, at the expiration of one hour. |
Hora decubitus | at bedtime. |
Hst. | haustus, a draught. |
Ht. t. d. d. s. | haustus ter de die sumendus, the draught to be taken three times a day. |
Id. | idem, the same, |
Impet. efferv. | impetu effervescentiae, during effervescence. |
Imprans. | impransus(-a -um), fasting. |
In d. | in dies, from day to day. |
In decoct. hord. | in decocto hordei, in barley water. |
In fol. arg. vol. | in folio argenti volvendas, rolled in silver leaf. |
In p. aeq. | in partes aequales, into equal parts. |
In pulm. | in pulmento, in gruel. |
Incis. | incisus(-a -um), cut, sliced. |
Inf. | in fusum, an infusion. |
Infric. | infricetur, let it be rubbed in / 'linfricandus(-a -um), to be rubbed in. |
Infund. | infunde, pour in. |
Infus. | infusa, infuse. |
Inj. | injectio, an injection. |
Inj. enem. | injiciatur enema, let an enema be administered. |
Inj. hyp. | injectio hypodermica, an hypodermic injection. |
Insip. | insipidus(-a -um), tasteless. |
Insp. | inspissare, to thicken. |
Int. | inter, between. |
Intim. | intime, intimately. |
Involv. | involvere, to roll in. |
Jentac. | jentaculum, breakfast. |
Jul. | julepus, julepum / julapium, a julep. |
Jusc. | jusculum, broth. |
Jusc. aven. | jusculum avenaceum, gruel. |
L. | lac(-tis), milk. |
Lat. dol. | lateri dolcnti, to the affected side. |
Lb. lib. | libra, a pound. |
Lig. | lignum, wood. |
Lin. p. a. infr. | linimentum parti affectre infricandum, the liniment to be rubbed on the affected part. |
Liq. | liquor, a solution. |
Lot. | lotio, a lotion. |
Luc. p. | luce prima, early in the morning, dawn |
M. | mane, in the morning. minimum, a minim. misce. mix (bene), well, thoroughly. |
M. d. | more dicto, as directed. |
M. D. S. | misce, da, signa, mix, give, and sign, |
M. D. U. | more dicto utendus, to be used as directed. |
M. et. v. | mane et vespere, morning and evening. |
M. ft. mist. | misce, fiat mistura, mix, and let a mixture be made. |
M. p. | mane primo, early in the morning. mica panis, a crumb of bread. massa pilularum, a pill mass. |
M. q. dx. | mitte quantitatem duplicem, send double quantity. |
M. S. | more solito, in the usual manner. |
Man. | manipulus, a handful. |
Mass. | massa, a pill mass, |
Mgm. Mgrm. | milligramma, a milligramme. |
Mic. pan. | mica panis, a crumb of bread. |
Mil. | millilitre (cubic centimetre). |
Min. | minimum, a minim. |
Mist. | mistura, a mixture. |
Mitt, | mitte, send. |
Mittr. | mittatur, mittantur, let it (let them) be sent. |
Mittr. in phial. | mittantur in phialam. let them be put into a phial. |
Mod. | modo dicto, as prescribed. |
j dict. | modo dicto, as prescribed. |
Moll. | mollis, soft. |
Mr. | mistura, a mixture. |
N. | nocte, at night. |
N. M. | nocte maneque, night and morning. nux moschata, the nutmeg. |
Neb. | nebula, a spray. |
Nig. | niger, ra, rum, black. |
Nim. | nimis, too much. |
No. | numero, in number. |
Nocte. | nocte, at night. |
Nov. | novus(-a -um), new. |
O. | octarius, a pint. |
O. alt. hor. | omnibus alternis horis, every other hour. |
O. M. | omni mane, every morning. oleum morrhuae, cod-liver oil. |
O. N. | omni nocte, every niqht. |
Ol. | oleum, oil. |
Omn. bid. | omni bidou, every two days. |
Op. | ope, by means of, alcoholis, spirit, luti, luting. |
Ope penicilli | with a Camel-hair pencil. |
Opt. | optimus, best. |
Ov. | ovum, an egg. |
Ov. vitell. sol. | ovi vitello solutum, dissolved /suspended, in yolk of egg. |
Oz. uncia | an ounce (avoirdupois). |
P. | pondere, by weight. |
P. a. a. | parti affectae applicandus(-a -um), to be applied to the affected part. |
P. AE. | partes aequales, equal parts. |
P. B. | Pharmacopoeia Britannica. Ph. B. |
P. C. | per centum, per cent. |
P. d. | per deliquium, by deliquescence. pro dosi, for a dose. |
P. M. | post meridiem, afternoon. Primo mane, early in the morning. |
Pp. | partes, parts. |
P. p, a. | phiala prius agitata, the bottle having been previously shaken. |
P. R. N. | pro re nata, occasionally. |
Part. affect. | parti affectae, to the affected part. |
Part. vic. | partitis vicibus, in divided doses. |
Parv. | parvus(-a -um), small. |
Past. | pasta, a paste, pastillus, a pastille. |
Ped. | pedetentim, gradually. |
Per bid., trid. | per biduum, triduum, for a period of two or three days. |
Peract. op. emet. | peracta operatione emeti(emetica), when the operation of the emetic is finished. |
Pess. | pessus, a pessarv. |
Ph. | Pharmacopoeia. |
Ph. B. | Pharmacopoea Britannica. = P. B. |
Ph. D. | Dublinensis (Dublin). |
Ph. E. | Edinburgensis, Edinensis (Edinburgh). |
Ph. G. | Pharmacopoea Germanica (German). |
Germ. | Pharmacopoea Germanica (German). |
Ph. Gall. | Pharmacopoea Gallica. (French). |
Ph. Helv. | Pharmacopaea Helvetica (Swiss). |
Ph. L. | Pharmacopaea Londinensis (London). |
Ph. U.S. | Pharmacopaea (United States). |
Phial | phiala, a phial. |
Pig. | pigmentum, a paint. |
Poc. | poculum, a cup. |
Pond. | ponderosus(-a -um), heavy. |
Post jentac. | post jentaculum, after breakfast. |
Post prand. | post prandium, after dinner. |
Post qq. evac. | post quamque evacuationem, after each motion. |
Post sing, sed. liq. | post singulas sedes liquidas, after each liquid motion. |
Ppt. | praeparatus(-a -um), prepared. |
Pro pot. s. | pro potu sumendus(-a -um), to be taken as a drink. |
Pro. rat. wt. | pro ratione aetatis, according to age. |
Prox. luc. | proxima luce, on the next day. |
Pulv. | pulvis, a powder. |
Pulv, hum. | pulvinar humuli, a hop pillow. |
PV. | parvus(-a -um), small. |
Q. d. | quater die, four times a day. |
Q. dx. | quantitas duplex a double quantity. |
Q. l. | quantum libet, as much as you please. |
Q. p. | quantum placet, |
Qq. | quaque, every. |
Q. q. h. | quarta quaque hora, every fourth hour. |
4ta qq. hor. | quarta quaque hora, every fourth hour. |
Q. S. | quantum sufficiat, quantitas sufficiens, quantum satis, sufficient. |
Q, v. | quantum volueris, as much as you please. |
Q. v. | quod vide, which see. |
Quant, fab. | quantitas fabae, a piece the size of a bean. |
Quant. nuc. | quantitas nucis, a piece the size of a nut. |
Quant, nuc. avell. | quantitas nucis avellanae, a piece the size of a filbert. |
Quant. nuc. jugl. | quantitas nucis juglandis, a piece the size of a walnut |
Quart. | quartus(-a -um), the fourth. |
Quat. | quater, four times. |
Quot. mane. | quolibet mane, any morning. |
Rx. | recipe, take. |
R. in pulv. | redactus in pulverem, reduced to powder. |
Rad. | radix, a root. |
Ras. | rasurae shavings. |
Rect. | rectificatus(-a -um), rectified. |
Redig. in pulv. | redigatur in pulverem, let it be reduced to powder. |
Rep. Repet. | repetat, let him repeat. |
S. | sumat, let the patient take, or, sine, without. sumendus(-a -um), to be taken. |
S.A. | secundum artem, according to art. with pharmaceutical skill. |
S.d. | sic dictus. a, um, so called. |
S.G. | specific gravity. |
Sp. Gr. | specific gravity. |
S.O.S. | si opus sit, if there is need, if occasion require, if necessary. |
S.s. | semisse, from semis, semissis, the half. |
S.S.S. | stratum super stratum, layer upon layer. |
S.V.R. | spiritus vini rectificatus, rectified spirit. |
S.V.T. | spiritus vini tenuior, proof spirit. |
Sanguisug. vj. | sanguisugae sex, six leeches. |
Scat. | scatula, a box. |
Semidr. | semidrachma, half a drachm. |
Semih. | sermihora, half an hour. |
Seq. luc. | sequenti luce, the following day. |
Serv. | serva, keep. |
Sesquih. | sesquihora, an hour and a half. |
Sesunc. | sesuncia, apt ounce and a half. |
Si vir. perm. | si vires permittant, if the strength permit. |
Sig. | signa, signetur, signentur, sign, let it be signed. |
Sing. | singulorum, of each. |
Sing. auror | singulis aurosis, every morning. |
Sing. hor. quad. | singulis horae quadrantibus, every quarter of an hour. |
Solv. | solve, dissolve, also solvellae, soluble tablets. |
St. | stet, stent, let it stand. |
Stat. | statim, immediately. |
Stat. eff. | statu effervescentiae, whilst effervescing. |
Sub fin. coct. | sub finem coctionis, when sufficiently boiled down. |
Suff. | sufficiens, sufficient. |
Sum. | sumat, let the Patient take. |
Sum. tal. | sumat talem, tales, let the patient take one (or more) such. |
Sumend. | sumendus(-a -um), to be taken. |
Sumr. | sumatur, sumantur, let it be taken. |
Supp. | suppositorium, a suppository. |
Syr. | syrupus, syrup. |
T. | ter, thrice. |
T. d. d. | ter de die, thrice a day. |
T. d. s. | ter die sumendus(-a -um), to be taken three times a day. |
T. i. d. | ter m die, three times a day. |
Tab. | tabletta / tabella, a tablet. |
Temp. dext. | tempori dextro, to the right temple. |
Ter. sim. | tere simul, rub together. |
Tr. | tinctura, a tincture. |
Trit. | tritura, triturate. |
Troch. | trochisci, lozenges. |
Tuss. | tussis, a cough. |
Tuss. urg | tussi urgente, if the cough is troublesome. |
U.S.P. | Pharmacopoeia of the United States. |
Ult. praecrip. | ultimo praescriptus(-a -um), etc., the last ordered. |
Ung. | unguentum, an ointment. |
Ut dict. | ut dictum, as directed. |
V. | vespere, in the evening. |
V.O.S. | vitello ovi solutus(-a -um), dissolved / suspended, in yolk of egg. |
Vit. | vitellus, the yolk. |
Vs. | venaesectio, bleeding.